I am both very happy and very sad to say that I completed LOST. I know a lot of people weren't so satisfied with its ending, but I personally didn't have a problem with it. I just accepted it and loved it as it was. Of course, there are always going to be some questions left, but they answered enough for me.
Top 5 LOST Couples (as told by Lindsay Weasley)
1. Desmond and Penny
Their relationship was the one I ended up rooting for the hardest. It was amazing to see Desmond come around to the realization he was a coward and do whatever he had to do to be with Penny. And they named their son Charlie so naturally I almost cried because it was so adorable.
2. Jin/Sun
This couple won my heart over by the end. In the beginning I absolutely hated Jin hardcore. He pissed me off and was just so rude, and then there was a point when I was mad at Sun for cheating on Jin. In the end they both realized each other's faults and redeemed their relationship. They also win for most beautiful made-me-wanna-cry death scene.
3. Claire/Charlie
Okay, so pretty much they're in my tops because Charlie is the sweetest boyfriend in the whole world. Well, basically he's my favorite character and even when I'm mad at him I love him. I love how sweet he is with Claire and Aaron. They have ups and downs and I wouldn't say that they were the biggest or most dynamic relationship, but they were the ones I loved watching in the early seasons.
4. Juliet/Sawyer
I loved that Sawyer found a woman who could finally tie him down and tame him a bit. They also made me fall in love with them during the finale:
Juliet: "Would you like to get coffee sometime?"
Sawyer: "I'd love to, but the machine just ate my dollar and I only have one left."
Needless to say I laughed so hard I was crying.
5. Kate/Sawyer
Before Juliet and Sawyer's relationship I was allllll about Kate/Sawyer. Two sexy rebels? Part of me still feels they were made for each other if they had been in the real world together the first time Kate left the Island. I could imagine Kate and Sawyer running from the law together and being happy to have each other for company. They also are just entertaining because they have hilarious commentary. Plus... Cage sex. Nuff said.
Other Honorable Mentions: